So, what’s your reaction every month when the electric bill arrives? Anger? Frustration? Tears? Whatever the reaction, chances are you just throw your arms up in the air and pay the bill. This month do something more. Pick up the phone and call Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air and talk with our Montgomery, AL electricians and HVAC technicians about ways to cut your electrical use.
The first thing you need to understand is where the money is going. In nearly every home the largest user of electricity is heating and cooling. It’s pretty clear you can’t go through the winter without heat, even in Alabama. And you certainly don’t want to go through a deep south summer without air conditioning. The key is to make sure those systems are functioning as efficiently as possible.
Regular maintenance and tune-ups on your home comfort systems by Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air can save you money every month. When you ignore maintenance, the systems have to work harder to keep your home comfortable and your electric bill is going to be higher. You should also talk with our experts about the most efficient thermostat settings. Keeping your house even 1 or 2 degrees cooler in winter can save a significant amount of money. Enough to buy some extra sweaters and blankets to help keep you warm. Of course, the most efficient way to manage your home’s temperature is with a programmable thermostat. If you don’t have one, talk with us about how affordable it can be to have one installed.
Your home’s lighting is not the largest user of electricity, but it is a place our Montgomery and Auburn electrical contractors can look to save you even more money. We can help you make the move to LED lighting inside and outside your home. While the upfront cost is still higher than the old incandescent bulbs, you will save money in the long run. For example, a 6-watt LED bulb puts out as much light as a 50-watt traditional bulb and they will last much longer. The transition could be part of an entire interior and exterior lighting upgrade which can also add value to your home. It’s a good idea if you also have our experts do a Safe and Sound electrical fire safety inspection at the same time. We will use various scanners and tools to locate and identify dangerous problems before they can cause a fire.
Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air may not be able to make opening the electric bill a pleasant experience, but we can make it less painful. Just remember our motto, “Call Dixie and it’s done.”