

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA

The average American household uses about 400 gallons of water per day. Multiply that by the total amount of households and you get… well, let’s just say that’s a lot of water! With that in mind, we need to remember that water is indeed a precious commodity. Most times it’s not thought of it in those terms, but there is a responsibility to conserve water whenever you can. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, and most are easier than you think. Here’s how to save water at home.
First, take care of the obvious causes of water waste: repair leaking faucets, toilets and outdoor water spouts. Once you do that, here are some other tips that can lead to a significant reduction in your water usage:

  • Turn off the tap when you brush your teeth – this can save about 1.5 gallons of of water per minute.
  • Take a shorter shower. Showers can use between 2 and 12 gallons of water per minute. Or better yet, cut down on the amount of showers you take per week. Do you really need two showers a day?
  • Always use full loads in your washing machine and dishwasher – this eliminates unnecessary washes in between.
  • If you must water your garden or plants, do so with a watering can rather than a hose. A garden hose can use as much as 250 gallons per hour. Watering the mulch around your plants in the early morning and late afternoon will reduce evaporation and also save water.
  • When household replacements are needed, buy water-efficient showerheads, taps, toilets, washing machines, dishwashers and many other water-saving products.
  • Hot water recirculation pumps are not only a convenient way to ensure hot water when you want it, but it can also reduce the amount of water waste. These systems slowly pump hot water through your hot water pipes and back to the water heater, providing a constant circulation of hot water. Because hot water is delivered much faster you waste less water while you wait for it to heat up.

For plumbing service to help with your water conservation issues or two learn more about water-efficient products and systems, call Dixie, and it’s done!