

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA

It’s pretty much a given: No one likes paying monthly bills and the most annoying can be the utility bills like electricity and gas. Instead of just throwing up your hands in frustration Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air has some recommendations for your Auburn, Opelika, or Montgomery, AL home.

Thermostat settings

Dixie understands this is a very personal thing, but how warm your keep your house during the winter and how cool during the summer is the biggest factor in how large your utility bills will be each month. The most commonly suggested settings are 68 °F during the heating season and 78 °F during the cooling season.

Filters, filters, filters

Did we mention changing your filters regularly? The whole key to any efficient forced air system is air movement. Dirty filters mean the air doesn’t flow freely and your system has to work harder resulting in higher utility bills.


Of course, filters are just one small part of overall maintenance. Regular tune-ups and needed heating system repairs will assure peak operating conditions. Your HVAC system is mechanical in nature with lots of moving parts. Moving parts that need to be cleaned and lubricated to prevent unnecessary wear and tear.

Heat pumps

Air source heat pumps are a common form of central heating in the south because of our mild winters. They are the most efficient form of electrical heating if they are used and maintained correctly. Here are some problems/issues that can make them less efficient:

  • There is an ice buildup on heat pump coils. Heat pumps have a defrost cycle to make sure this doesn’t happen. When the defrost is not working properly, ice forms and the heat pump doesn’t work as well. You should call for a heating system repair.
  • Emergency heat is for just that, emergencies. Nearly all heat pumps have an electrical heating element activated by the emergency heat setting on the thermostat. It provides supplemental heat IF the heat pump can’t keep up when it gets extremely cold outside. Using the emergency heat setting will cause your electric bill to skyrocket. Use it only when absolutely necessary. If the heat pump isn’t keeping your home comfortable during normal winter weather, you need a technician to find out why.

Make HVAC systems a priority

There are many different steps you can take to control or reduce utility bills. LED lighting is great. Better insulation always helps. Dixie urges you to take those steps, but never lose sight of the fact that heating and cooling your home accounts for the largest share of your energy costs. If you really want to have an impact on those monthly bills, it’s the first thing you should concentrate on.

Call Dixie, and it’s done

For more great suggestions and help to reduce the utility bills in your Auburn, Opelika, or Montgomery, AL home, call Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air. Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter to be informed about the many issues affecting your home comfort systems.