

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA

What you need to know about R22 Freon

If your system is more than a few years old, it probably uses R-22 Freon®, a commonly-used refrigerant in central air conditioning systems. If your system is charged with R-22, you need to be aware of the federally-mandated phase-out plan. Due to its ozone-depletion tendencies, the Environmental Protection Agency enacted a policy several years ago that culminates in the elimination of R-22 production after Jan. 1, 2020. The good news is consumption of R-22 has decreased significantly in recent years, but the bad news is demand still exceeds the dwindling supply. This means the cost of for R-22 is rising and will likely continue to escalate as the 2020 deadline approaches.

Home comfort systems using R-22 refrigerant can still be serviced and charged if necessary until Jan. 1, 2020. That said, you need to keep an eye on your air conditioning system to monitor for any possible leaks. If your system is not cooling the way it should or you see some components that appear frozen, you may have a leak. This issue requires immediate air conditioning repair. Regular maintenance and tune-ups will also help to detect and prevent leaks. By repairing and eliminating leaks, you are helping to protect our environment. A fully-charged cooling system also runs more efficiently, which helps to avoid costly repairs, extend the lifespan of your system and reduce energy costs.

Dixie’s qualified technicians can analyze your situation and help you make a sound decision about recharging, repairing or replacing your system.

Newer systems feature more environmentally-friendly refrigerants such as R410A and are widely available today.

Call Dixie today for more information about these new systems.