

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA

5 Expert Plumbing System Tips To Combat the Cold of Winter

plumbing system maintenance

Keeping up with plumbing maintenance tasks is essential throughout the year, but it is especially vital during the winter months. Indeed, the freezing temperatures of winter can take a toll on your home’s plumbing system, increasing the chances of plumbing emergencies and drainage issues. 

And, the winter months are the time of the year in which we all rely the most on our home’s plumbing system. Get your home ready for winter with this Dixie guide!

Prepare Your Home for Winter With These 5 Expert Plumbing Tips

At Dixie, we believe in the importance of preparing your home’s plumbing system for the winter months. After all, winter-proofing your pipes and faucets can save you a lot of money and increase the lifespan of the entire plumbing system. 

1. Flush Your Water Heater

Flushing your water heater should be part of your home’s plumbing system maintenance routine. Indeed, water heaters that are not regularly flushed can corrode more quickly. Additionally, if left unaddressed, sediment pile-ups can end up clogging the pressure and relief valve, thus creating a health and safety hazard and plumbing emergency. 

2. Clean Your Drains

During the holiday season, your kitchen drains likely took a beating from increased food debris and cooking oils. You can prevent pipe clogs and backups by whipping up this easy concoction to help clear out your drains: 1/2 cup of baking soda followed by a 1/2 cup of white vinegar. Leave for ten minutes, then flush with boiling water. This DIY trick should help push along any unwanted accumulation!

Cleaning your drains before winter comes simply means that there will be fewer chances of a plumbing emergency during the colder months.

3. Address Outdoor Faucets

If you have outdoor water faucets, shut the water flow off during the winter months. Indeed, these fixtures are unprotected and lack insulation, making them more vulnerable to freezing temperatures. 

Some tips for caring for your outdoor faucets in winter include:

  • Close the shut-off valve
  • Disconnect the hose
  • Drain the faucet

4. Make Sure Your Pipes Won’t Freeze

Burst and cracked pipes are among the most common plumbing emergencies. And, if left unaddressed, they can cause significant water damage! Since pipes and drains are particularly prone to wear during the winter months, you should take steps to prevent potential problems. 

Invest in insulation and keeping the pipes warm. A DIY tip: consider leaving cabinets’ doors open to let warm indoor air through!

5. Schedule a Preventative Maintenance Visit at Dixie

With cooler temperatures lingering on the horizon, it’s finally time to take some preventive measures to ensure that your home plumbing system is in tip-top shape to endure the colder Alabama weather. While DIY tips can help you prevent a plumbing emergency, nothing compares to a professionally-performed preventative maintenance visit by the plumbing experts at Dixie. 

Get in touch today to learn more about what our experts can do to protect your home’s plumbing this winter!

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Winter Preparation for Your Home

The tips above are a great starting point to winter-proof your home’s plumbing system. Investing in professional audits and preventive maintenance plumbing services can help you reduce your expenses. 

But also, with the right plumbing expert by your side, you can avoid plumbing emergencies and enjoy the comfort of your home throughout winter.

Dixie Can Help With Getting Your Home’s Plumbing Winter-Ready!

Here at Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air, we have years of experience in winter-proofing and insulating plumbing systems in homes across Alabama. 

Get in touch with our Montgomery team or call our experts in Auburn at 334.835.5161 to learn more about getting your home’s plumbing system ready for winter. Alternatively, you can schedule a preventive maintenance visit here.