

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA

It’s that time of the year. People across the country will watch with fascination as a large squirrel predicts the weather. That’s right, the groundhog is the largest member of the squirrel family. You might want to keep that little “knowledge nut” (see what we did there) in mind when the various groundhogs around the country make their “predictions” for either an early spring or six more weeks of winter.
There’s no reason we all can’t have a little fun with Groundhog Day, but here’s what we know at Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air: It doesn’t matter whether the groundhog sees his shadow or not on Groundhog Day, this is the time of year when you have to be prepared for more winter cold AND a possible early arrival of spring.
This time of year, we can see it all, meteorologically speaking. It could be an ice storm rolling across the south with widespread power outages. Maybe a Siberian Express will come roaring down from the arctic, plunging temperatures into the single digits as far south as Alabama. Or it could be an unusually warm tropical air flow coming up from the Gulf of Mexico, slamming head-on into a cold front resulting in an early season outbreak of severe storms and tornadoes. Whatever the change of seasons brings, you can depend on Dixie to ensure your safety and comfort.
If you didn’t have a heating system tune-up before the start of winter, there’s still time. Especially if you’ve noticed any problems keeping your house warm in the last couple months. It makes a lot more sense to do it now, rather than having to make an emergency call during a late season cold snap. Conversely, there’s really no reason to wait until that unexpectedly hot day in March to find out your air conditioning is on the fritz. Schedule now to have our expert technicians check out the AC to make sure it’s ready to go. If you have, or are thinking about buying, a backup generator to protect against power outages, please contact us. A generator should always be installed by a licensed electrician to prevent injury or even death.
Please call Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air, your heating and air conditioning experts for Montgomery and Auburn, AL, so we can help you be get ready, but you need to do your part. Remember the boy scout motto: Be prepared. So even if you don’t believe in the meaning of Groundhog Day, you need to be ready for whatever the late winter and early spring brings. Make sure you have a plan in place that includes an emergency kit with a portable radio, extra batteries, candles and flashlights. Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter for more information throughout the year.