

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA

A list of things we all love:

  • Going to the dentist.
  • Getting stuck in a traffic jam.
  • Listening to political TV commercials.
  • Getting estimates to replace our home’s heating & cooling systems.


Hey, we’re right with you. No one at Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air has said replacing your furnace and/or air conditioner is fun. We do promise, however, to make it as painless as possible by letting you know ahead of time what you can expect.

Making the Decision

For the purposes of this discussion, we’re assuming the decision to replace has been made. You have met with your Dixie Comfort Specialist to determine which heating and A/C replacement unit best fits your needs. We can’t emphasize enough how important the decision process is. The comfort consultant plays a critical role to make sure you are getting properly sized equipment in your Auburn or Montgomery, Alabama home. Now that the decision has been made, we want to help you get ready for your HVAC replacement and what you can expect on installation day.

Prepare Your Home

The homeowner can be a big help in the days before the installation crew arrives. It’s a good idea to move antiques and other valuable objects out of the work area. Contractors don’t like to be responsible for moving expensive items. Our installation crew is always very careful, but there’s no sense in taking any risk. Make sure you have a plan to move pets away from the work area to a safe and quiet location as well.

Length of Installation

In most cases, an HVAC replacement can be done in a single day. Some systems are more advanced and complicated, and the installation could spill over into a second day.

Home Protection

Our installers will protect all flooring in the work areas with drop cloths and/or protective paper. There will be some dust during the process, so furniture and household items that can’t be moved should be covered with plastic. Remember: Dixie will leave your home as clean (if not cleaner) than it was before we arrive!

Let the Work Begin

All the preliminaries are out of the way and now it’s time to dismantle and remove the old system. The indoor air handler and the outside compressor are carefully removed. The installers hook up the new units. On some HVAC replacements, this could involve some work on the ducts to make sure they are compatible with the new system.

Testing & Operation

When the install is complete the system is tested to make sure it meets all manufacturer specifications. The Dixie installers will sit down with you to explain the operation of the new system, your warranty, and discuss options for long-term care. They will not leave until all the questions about your new equipment have been answered.

Count on Dixie

We still can’t tell you the process is fun, but now that you know what to expect it might be a little less intimidating. Count on Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air when you need an HVAC replacement in your Auburn or Montgomery, Alabama home. Ask about our Dixie Cares Maintenance Plans for all your home repair needs.  Be sure to like and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.