

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA


Get expert tips on the best ceiling fans, whether or not you should replace your air conditioning unit, or how to trouble shoot common garage door problems. Our blog is a combination of resources that our clients have found useful in improving their homes electric, plumbing, air and garage doors. 

When Is It Time for an A/C Tune-up?

The entire country is now in the dog days of summer. The difference for us in the south is the dog days can last for another two months. If you haven’t had your A/C tune-up yet, now is the time to act. Seasonal maintenance is the best way to assure

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What to Expect When Replacing an HVAC System

A list of things we all love: Going to the dentist. Getting stuck in a traffic jam. Listening to political TV commercials. Getting estimates to replace our home’s heating & cooling systems. NOT! Hey, we’re right with you. No one at Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air has said replacing your

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Signs That Your HVAC System Requires Maintenance

How many of you remember the television show “Lost in Space”? Or more recently the movie by the same name? They both featured a rather annoying robot that could seemingly say just one thing, “Danger Will Robinson, danger!” Wouldn’t it be great to have a robot to warn you when

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What Does an HVAC Technician Do During a Tune-Up?

There are many mysteries in life: Why does your dentist talk to you when you can’t respond? Why do people moan when stretching? Why do people say “heads up” when you should duck? What does an HVAC technician do during a tune-up? Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air can’t help you

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Why Is An Air-Conditioning Service Important?

Has your air conditioner ever stopped working during a Montgomery or Auburn, AL summer? You know, one of those days when the thermometer reads 92ºF and it feels like temperature is 104? In other words, that’s just about every day from June to September. If it has happened to you,

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Oldest Contest Congratulate Winners

Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air set out to find the oldest electrical panel, water heater, and air conditioner in our service area. It’s our way to celebrate doing business in Central Alabama for over 110 years. Now, here are your winners: A. Nelson Won a new central air conditioner $150

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Home & Garden Show Inspires Many

Have you started your new garden yet? Whether it’s a vegetable garden or a flower garden, we hope you were truly inspired by this year’s East Alabama Home and Garden Show. Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air was proud to be one of the sponsors again this year. We know hearts

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Oldest Contest Can Make You a Winner

Just look around your house and chances are you will find something (probably several things) you’ve kept too long. The land line phones you stopped using five years ago. The 32-inch analog TV that weighs about a hundred pounds and became obsolete when the flat screen TV revolutionized consumer electronics.

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