

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA


Get expert tips on the best ceiling fans, whether or not you should replace your air conditioning unit, or how to trouble shoot common garage door problems. Our blog is a combination of resources that our clients have found useful in improving their homes electric, plumbing, air and garage doors. 

hvac maintenance

How To Save Money By Keeping Your HVAC In Tip-Top Shape

Having a HVAC maintenance checklist will help you save money by keeping your HVAC in tip-top shape.  Have you ever thought about HVAC preventative maintenance as something that should be part of your seasonal housekeeping chores? Like raking leaves, cleaning gutters, or getting an oil change, preventative maintenance on your

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preparing for vacation checklist

Vacation Prep Checklist: 7 Things to do Before Leaving

Between packing your bags and making sure all your vacation plans are set, it’s easy to forget about what you’re leaving behind – your home.  The safety and security of the valuables in your home depend on the measures you take before you leave. To avoid the need for emergency

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clogged sink repair

Six DIY solutions for unstopping your clogged sink

Having problems with a clogged sink or drain?  The process of a drain clogging starts as an inconvenience but quickly becomes a bigger problem when not taken care of properly. Homeowners’ first reactions to a clogged drain vary from totally ignoring the problem to immediately calling a drain plumber. While

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indoor air quality

Six secrets to improve the indoor air quality in your home

When’s the last time you thought about the air quality in your home? It’s common for homeowners not actively to consider the state of their indoor air quality, but it’s incredibly important to your health.  Believe it or not, most people spend 90 percent of their time indoors. Being proactive

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The Type of Plumbing You Really Need

We all know there are medical doctors who are specialists, but did you also know there are “specialists” when it comes to plumbers? It may not be exactly the same thing, but Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air wants to make sure you know there are different types of plumbing services.

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