

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA


Get expert tips on the best ceiling fans, whether or not you should replace your air conditioning unit, or how to trouble shoot common garage door problems. Our blog is a combination of resources that our clients have found useful in improving their homes electric, plumbing, air and garage doors. 

Ten Common Furnace Problems & Repairs

We all love lists and this blog is no different, but we’re going to do it in a different way. Instead of counting up, we’re going to countdown the most common furnace problems. It’s our way of getting you ready for the New Year’s Eve party countdown. Drum roll, please

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Heat Pump and Furnace 101

To explain the difference between a furnace and a heat pump let’s start in the kitchen. That may not make sense to you, but just bear with us. Let’s say there’s a gas stove in the kitchen and you light one of the burners. When you hold your hand above

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Why Does My Kitchen Sink Smell?

The Christmas tree is up. The decorating is done. So, the house is ready for the holidays, right? Not so fast. Our imaginary homeowner Jessie says, “Honey would you take out the garbage? The kitchen smells.” Followed quickly by this reply from Greg, “But dear, I just took the garbage

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Six Reasons For A High Water Bill

We spend a lot of time talking about utility bills when it comes to heating and cooling, but what about your water bill? Does it seem unusually high? Let’s examine some of the reasons for that, what you can do about it, and when it’s time to call in Dixie

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Five Causes of Power Surges and How to Protect Your Property

When was the last time you counted the number of electrical devices and appliances in your business or commercial building? Or maybe you’ve lost count because there are so many. Now think for a minute about having to replace some or many of them. Sounds like a major inconvenience. It

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Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Why Put One in Your Garage?

Have your ever walked to the refrigerator then forgot what you were after? What about leaving a room and not shutting the lights off? Or leaving the water running in the kitchen sink? What does that have to do with a blog about carbon monoxide safety? Just bear with us,

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Heat Pumps vs. Air Conditioners

Many times, we are asked what is the best HVAC system for me? The first answer from us at Dixie Electric, Plumbing & Air is always that it depends on your situation. One area that seems to confuse people is the difference between a heat pump and an air conditioner.

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Holiday Fire Safety Tips

We understand that right now your top priority is finding the right costumes for the trick or treaters, but this is Fire Prevention Week (October 6-12) so it’s also a great time to talk about fire safety to prevent emergencies during the upcoming holiday season. Baking & Cooking Who doesn’t

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