

Columbus, GA



Columbus, GA


Get expert tips on the best ceiling fans, whether or not you should replace your air conditioning unit, or how to trouble shoot common garage door problems. Our blog is a combination of resources that our clients have found useful in improving their homes electric, plumbing, air and garage doors. 

Backflow Testing Requirements Keep us All Safe

How is that backflow valve in your home? Is it working properly? Will it prevent contamination of the city’s water supply? Of course, you can’t answer questions like that because you don’t have the equipment or expertise to test a backflow valve. That’s the basic reason many communities, including Montgomery

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Oldest Contest Can Make You a Winner

Just look around your house and chances are you will find something (probably several things) you’ve kept too long. The land line phones you stopped using five years ago. The 32-inch analog TV that weighs about a hundred pounds and became obsolete when the flat screen TV revolutionized consumer electronics.

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This Groundhog Day: Be Prepared for Anything

It’s that time of the year. People across the country will watch with fascination as a large squirrel predicts the weather. That’s right, the groundhog is the largest member of the squirrel family. You might want to keep that little “knowledge nut” (see what we did there) in mind when

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Don’t Be Embarrassed by Toilet Problems

Toilet problems are typical issues all of us in Montgomery, Auburn and Columbus area deal with. You push the handle. The swirling motion starts. Round and round goes the water. But will the “stuff” in the water really disappear, and how long will it take? If you are asking that

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Home Warranty or Maintenance Program?

This story is set in fictional town and is not based on actual events, which doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen all the time. Robert and Dora just love their home they bought a few years ago. To protect their investment and give them peace of mind they bought a home

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Save Money, Water—Stop the Leaking Toilet

There is water waste you can hear, the drip, drip, drip, of a leaking faucet. There is water waste you can see, the garden hose you accidentally left running and is now flooding the front lawn. But what about the water waste you can’t easily see or hear? It could

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Clogged, Slow Drains Could Mean Serious Problems

The holiday season is upon us, meaning houses filled with guests and lots of baking and cooking. We all know those holiday recipes are filled with fats and oils just waiting to clog your drains and sewer pipe. The last thing you want to be dealing with is an emergency

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Expand Your Knowledge About Thermal Expansion Tanks

What do hot air balloons and hot water heaters have in common? Come on now, remember back to those science classes. The answer is thermal expansion. Whenever a gas, liquid, or solid is heated, it expands. In one of our examples it’s a good thing, but in the other it’s

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Smelly Problems can Mean Indoor Air Quality Issues

Everyone appreciates the visual beauty of snow-capped mountains or a gorgeous sunset. For many people, the beautiful sounds created by an opera singer or a concert pianist can move them to tears. But psychologists tell us smell might be the most powerful of the senses. Especially in the way it’s

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